Second, many of the one year old plants have sent up new growth, even ones that appeared to be dead:
There are definitely many that I'm about to give up on. It seems the ones that suffered most were the second "batch" that sprouted last year. I had basically 2 batches of seeds that were sown. The first batch sprouted around Christmas of 2009, and the second batch sprouted in early spring of 2010. I will definitely be more careful with this year's batch of seedlings.
Third, I noticed a flower on a seed-grown plant, 3 years and 1 month after it germinated. It is an open-pollinated S. oreophila x willisii:
Lastly, I noticed a bunch of flowers emerging on some older plants, including many that I purchased at Oudean's Willow Creek Nursery last May, including 'Doreen's Colossus' and 'Tapestry' (what a nice cross that would make):
One last shot, of an unknown S. purpurea hybrid that kind of sums up how things are looking in the greenhouse. It shows a new pitcher emerging, as well as some Drosera filiformis waking up, as well as some weedy white violets, that I've given up on trying to eliminate: